Angel Communication Session

Learn how to communicate with your Angels and never feel alone. Also discover your ESP Style and how it affects your interaction with others. Learn how your intuition helps every day.

Workshops & Classes

Learn how to create a spiritual based lifestyle by releasing outmoded ideas that limit your growth

Study Materials

Our books and spoken audio will expose you to new ideas and insights that will help you create a positive life. Enjoy your relationships more.

Crystal Cleansing Stones

Delicate tumbled gemstones has a magical effect of reducing stress and anxiety. Be rejuvenated by running your fingers through the stones in a bowl. Try them, you will be impressed.

Mindful Spiritual Living Methods

A personalized way to help you find a pathway towards the life you want to live. Most people have an honest desire to unfold a mindful spiritual lifestyle, but have difficulty figuring it out. That is where my online master class can help.

In-Depth Healing Sessions

Many times negative situations can be so powerful that it is difficult to find relief. Diana and Roger offer in-depth spiritual healing methods to neutralize negative people who affect you. This can include discarnate souls as well.